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Glasgow Plenary Meeting and Workshop _ 28-30 January

In January 2020, the 1st Plenary meeting and Stakeholder Requirements, Life Saving Appliances (LSAs) and Community of Practises Workshop was hosted at the University of Strathclyde. During the 3 days of the meeting, more than 30 experts from the Maritime Industry, covering all stakeholder areas, from operators, classification societies, manufacturers and shipyards, to flag states and academia, had the opportunity to discuss the future of ship evacuation and abandonment. This led to the definition of the project’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


On 28th January representatives from all 15 partners were gathered at the James Weir Building, at the University of Strathclyde to discuss the progress of the project and set the course for the future. On the 29th they were joined by invited distinguished external experts who kindly offered their vast experience to the consortium.


Professionals from EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency), the Bahamas  and Bermuda Flags states, Carnival and Silverseas Cruise lines, had the opportunity to share their experience and discuss with the partners about functional requirements of the systems that are to be developed by SafePASS project. The Stakeholder Requirements, Life Saving Appliances and Community of Practises Workshop allowed to the consortium members to capture the end users’ views on the areas for improvement and steer the SafePASS work effort towards these critical points that will ensure significant advancement in terms of efficiency and safety in ship mustering, abandonment and rescue phases in case of an emergency.


The 30th of January, the final day of the Plenary meeting, was a wrap-up session were the feedback from both the external and internal stakeholders was analysed further and lead to the refinement of the SafePASS project’s strategic planning.

The Maritime Safety Research Centre would like to publicly express its gratitude to all the consortium members that attended this meeting and give special thanks to the external experts that participated and offered their invaluable perspective and input.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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