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SafePASS Dissemination and Communication plan

Deliverable Information Table


Executive Summary 

This document constitutes the Dissemination and Communication Plan, the first deliverable (D9.1) of WP9- Communication and Impact booster of the SafePASS project as set out in Grant Agreement (GA) No. 815146 between the project’s partners and INEA.


Its purpose is to outline the strategy for the management and monitoring of the dissemination and communication activities of the project. In more detail (i) it lays down the communication and scientific dissemination strategy (ii) it presents the communication and dissemination tools (iii) the monitoring and assessment process (v) the implementation plan and the dissemination procedures. As such, it will leverage the progressive awareness of the project’s outputs and their impact among all stakeholders and the general public. Furthermore, it will ensure alignment with the Annotated Model GA Articles 29 & 38 and it will serve as a reference point for the consortium members for any related actions.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 815146

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