D5. 1 SafePASS COP Functional Description
Deliverable Information Table
Executive Summary
This document describes the initial functional specifications of the SafePASS COP (Common Operational Picture) developed in task 5.1. The document builds on the consolidated list of user requirements provided in D2.3 “SafePASS Personnas and scenarios”. Moreover, additional user requirements have been discussed with RCCL, the end-user company in SafePASS.
Specifications are broken down in three categories following the three main objectives of task 5.1:
Design and development of a 2D/3D Common Operational Picture module for the SafePASS platform. This ergonomic application adapted to workstations will develop a visualization tool providing Operational Command with information coming from the field. The application allows the user to have a global and complete overview of the operational situation on board to manage the ship evacuation.
Design of a Holographic COP. A HoloLens 2 application will be developed for safety crew members enabling geo-localisation of users on the ship and assistance to passengers rescuing.
Design of appropriate simulation scenarios for training and system validation.